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Fundraising Made Easy

Simple and easy ways for you to help offset costs and raise funds for club events and education! Be sure to consider these options. We'll report quarterly on how we're doing and keep these types of things going if they can help us work toward club goals.

We are also including a link to one our club's charitable foundations. Let's give it a shot and see how it goes! 


Craft Beer and Brewing Magazine is a collaboration between a group of homebrewers and beer lovers from Fort Collins, Colorado. Flint Area Brewers will also get a special promo code to get 10% off. But, don't forget to start shopping from here.


Stop here first and click the Make Amazon Purchase button below to help our club earn funds from your Amazon purchases!


We are proud members and supporters of AHA. Please use the link below to join AHA if you aren't already a member. Once you are a member or if you are already a member, then please be sure to affiliate your AHA membership with the Flint Area Brewers.

The AHA will reimburse the club's insurance premiums if 75% of our members join AHA. 


Donating to the Flint Child Health & Development Fund is the single-most important action you can take to ensure long-term change for the better in response to our water crisis. We know the needs of Flint children exposed to lead, particularly those most vulnerable – children ages 0-6 – are ongoing and long-term.  When you make a donation to the Flint Child Health & Development Fund, you can be assured that your gift will be used for the long term health and development needs of Flint children exposed to lead. 


BrewSwag is owned and operated by passionate homebrewers and craft beer fanatics. Our commitment to our fellow brewers is to bring you the best products we can while delivery the best customer service that we can. To paraphrase a very smart man, Relax, Don't Worry, Have a Homebrew... while you shop.


Our homebrew club, the Flint Area Brewers, is actively involved in the craft beer and beverage community in Genesee and surrounding counties. Our mission is to expand the craft by providing our homebrew club members with educational opportunities and social events focused around the homebrew and craft beer culture. Therefore, we are organizing and hosting a bowling fun-raiser at B’s Bowling on Saturday, November 2nd. Proceeds from this event will allow us to cover operating costs (such as website maintenance, insurance, etc.), purchase club equipment, pay for or subsidize events for our members, provide more learning opportunities, spread the interest in homebrewing to others, and support the craft beer and craft beverage community.

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